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XPC 750 was first developed in 1992, XPC750 enables certain Kerosene grades to be used in diesel engines. Large, direct cost savings are possible because the base fuel is often considerably cheaper than diesel. If handled correctly, the resulting fuel is SUPERIOR to conventional African diesel. An indication of the product's success is that the SA Government changed the legislation relating to certain alternative fuels in 1999. This was intended to curb use of this product! Operators in countries where this situation does not exist do not have this problem. Due to their inherent design principles (compression of air and not an air/fuel mixture), diesel engines are much more tolerant of different fuel properties than petrol engines. This is what makes it possible to use kerosene as a fuel for diesel engines, provided the correct additive technology is used.

Kerosene based fuel is usually known as “City Diesel” and is often used in place of normal diesel:

Kerosene based fuel is superior to normal diesel in several areas. These include:

However certain properties of pure kerosene need modification / improvement before it can safely be used in an engine. This includes:

XPC 750 is designed to do all of this (using sophisticated chemical technology that does not cause any undesirable side effects), and has been especially developed for the paraffin/kerosene fuels that are readily available in Africa. XPC 750 has been successfully marketed in South Africa and Zimbabwe since 1992, and has been used by many major companies including mining and transport operations.

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