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        1.        This product PROTECTS – (both injection systems AND engines themselves) through

Improving "standard" fuel lubricity (generally reducing wear rates to less than half),

thus ensuring that the fuel injection systems work properly & wear extremely slowly,




        2.        Simultaneously ensuring that there is a lubricity SAFETY MARGIN, which will prevent

damage in case of getting any fill ups of exceptionally low (even lower than “normal”) lubricity diesel. An engine can fail catastrophically within 20 minutes of a bad fill up, or worse, run for another 100000 km without you knowing – while it wastes huge amounts of money on increased fuel consumption, very high internal wear rates and possibly other operational inconveniences such as difficult starting and exhaust smoking .

It will even protect engines from a 75% paraffin or petrol contamination.

Because it is totally focused on fuel lubricity improvement (see test results) Injecta-Protecta’s main savings occur with LONG TERM use. Ie; longer engine life AND reduced downtime. It is not really designed to save fuel (as a combustion improver would) - except indirectly.

That is not to say that Injecta-Protecta does not give fuel consumption savings, it most definitely does! BUT some people tend to get sidetracked by this aspect and forget that what this product is ACTUALLY doing is PROTECTING their fleet from damage caused by the sub standard fuel so common in Africa (as described by the University of Pretoria investigation).

There is often a small consumption saving (between 1% and 2%), which naturally increases with time (mainly by preventing efficiency loss through wear) but even this is enough to more than pay for itself, since the product cost is only around 0.5% of base fuel cost. We are therefore merely pointing out that the product is NOT designed to save fuel - it is designed to SAVE engines and REDUCE DOWNTIME. The small fuel saving is an ADDED BONUS, because of the manner in which it works. So its like having insurance - BUT which pays for itself...

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